![2020 CA Website Layout [3] 16](http://creativeavenue.co.za/wp-content/plugins/revslider/public/assets/assets/dummy.png)

![AP Mark Banner [2]](http://creativeavenue.co.za/wp-content/plugins/revslider/public/assets/assets/dummy.png)


We are launching a competition where you can stand a chance to win a design makeover on elements / an element of / for your business. This can be your logo, business card, facebook look & feel or any selected item that qualifies to us which will give your business a new and professional edge to enhance your marketing and visual communication. An absent marketing element can also qualify like a non-existent brochure / newsletter. Our winner will be selected based on the best or worst candidate. The winner selected will be by the sole discretion of Creative Avenue. Follow the rules below to enter. Looking forward to the submissions.*
1) Like our Facebook Page
2) Share our Page & this competition post
3) Submit your details via this web form.
4) Send your make-over graphic to
We are launching a competition where you can stand a chance to win a design makeover on elements / an element of/for your business. This can be your logo, business card, Facebook look & feel or any selected item that qualifies to us which will give your business a new and professional edge to enhance your marketing and visual communication. An absent marketing element can also qualify like a non-existent brochure / newsletter. Our winner will be selected based on the best or worst candidate. The winner selected will be by the sole discretion of Creative Avenue. Follow the rules below to enter. Looking forward to the submissions.*
1) Like our Facebook Page
2) Share our Page & this competition post
3) Submit your details via this webform.
4) Send your makeover graphic to makeover@creativeavenue.co.za
We are launching a competition where you can stand a chance to win a make-over for your business. This can be your logo, busi-ness card, brochure, Facebook look & feel… Our winner will be selected based on the best / worst candidate where we can show-case our make-over skills. Follow the rules below to enter. Looking for-ward to the submissions:
1) Like our Facebook Page
2) Share our Page & this competition post
3) Submit your details on here via form.
Enter on our website following below link and submit a screenshot of your make-over item.
For each entry you will recieve a individual email where you can send the make-over item to